2020 Changes to the Northern Rockies Coordinating Group Source List Process

Most equipment used for wildland fire suppression in the Northern Rockies are on three-year incident support agreements that are competed and awarded preseason. Solicitations are staggered so that roughly a third of the equipment categories are solicited each year. Equipment that is solicited and awarded preseason by the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, … Read more

“Go-Live” Dates Announced for New Self-Status System for Wildland Fire Suppression Contractors

In December we told you that the Resource Ordering and Status System (ROSS) is being replaced by the Interagency Resource Ordering Capability (IROC). At the time, we had a lot of questions about the new system, the transition and how it would impact our clients. Well, we now know a little more about the transition: … Read more