MT APEX Accelerator is ready to assist your company with its government contracting needs. Our team provides individual consultation and training in person, by phone, email, screen sharing and online webinar/meeting platforms. Our advisors can be reached at the phone numbers/email listed on our “locations” page. Please don’t hesitate to contact the APEX Accelerator government contracting advisor nearest you. 

Each Year Government Agencies Purchase Millions From Montana Companies.
APEX Accelerators can show your business how to connect with the government customer.
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Expert Government Contracting Advice
SAM Registration and working with our government contracting advisors is FREE and confidential
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Prepare Your Business to be the Most Competitive
Consulting, Training, Networking, Registrations, Opportunities.
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Why Government 

Federal, state and local agencies need Montana businesses. Small businesses often have a competitive advantage. APEX Accelerators can show you how to pursue government contracts to diversify your customer base and grow your business.
See Resources.

How Can
Montana APEX Help?

Montana APEX Accelerator is dedicated to showing your company how to find, bid and win government contracts. Our team of specialists help make the contracting process clearer and easier so you can concentrate on pursuing opportunities.
Our Services.

Upcoming Events 
& Training

We offer free confidential consulting and a comprehensive selection of free training programs. Our Montana APEX Accelerator advisors are ready to help your business learn what it takes to be a successful contractor.
View Calendar.

Get Started Today!

Getting started is easy. Register to become a Montana APEX Accelerator client and we will continue to be your resource throughout the contracting process.
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Montana APEX Accelerators help businesses learn what it takes to be a successful government contractor.

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Montana APEX Accelerator


“Excellent assistance with NSF-SBIR Phase I grant proposal. Dr. Jane Harrington, MedMicroMaps, LLC

“Thanks to Tereza, I have gotten further with my Veteran status and sign up for government contracts and contacts in a few months, than I have in the last 8 years.” Dean Dougherty, ZZem Screw Inc. 

“I have been with APEX for over 15 years.  It is my main source for reviewing and responding to RFP’s and Solicitations.” George Mackanin, American EOD Services, Inc.

“Shannon has been a huge help with getting my government information submitted. In the future, I will be looking for help to focus of bidding jobs.” Timothy Bronk, Bronk’s 406 LLC

“Tereza is awesome!” Barry Usher, Usher Enterprises, Inc.

“I don’t think I can offer any suggestions for improvement at this time, my experience with the Montana APEX Accelerator to this point has been nothing short of perfect. The team has been very responsive to my needs and extremely helpful in every way. They are knowledgeable and ready to assist how ever possible.” Thomas (TJ) Higgins, Mission Design Solutions, LLC

“Renewing for Northern Cheyenne Utilities Commission extremely difficult for me. I couldn’t do it without the assistance of Tereza and APEX.” Ethelyn Shoulderblade, Northern Cheyenne Utilities Commission

“I AM EXTREMELY PLEASED with the care and kindness that I received from Lynette Hale, Deanna Langman and Patty Cox. They all provide an invaluable service.” James Maher, Polekat Enterprises LLC

“Lynnette was an incredible resource to our company. She was professional, warm, and we could tell that she cared deeply about the success of our company. She got right into helping us and provided invaluable information. I can’t imagine going through this process without her help.” Morteza Hosseinnejad, Aizy Tech, LLC

“My advisor, Deanna Langman is OUTSTANDING!! She was EXTREMELY patient, informative, knowledgeable, courteous, dedicated and efficient. Simply the BEST!! Martin Havrilla, Emil O. Roning VFQ Post 4047, Fort Benton

Jill Duval is amazing, knowledgeable and very helpful. Jill is quick to respond when needed. I’m grateful for the support and service Apex offers. I couldn’t have achieved what I needed without the help of Apex(Jill).” Bobbie-Jo Sprague, High Country Peaks LLC

Montana APEX Accelerator is made possible by Big Sky Economic Development and its partner organizations across the state.

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