“Your SAM registration is expiring” …or maybe not. Here’s how you can tell.

Screenshot of SAM expiration email from company that charges a fee

We’ve written before about companies that prey on smaller federal contractors and charge them hundreds of dollars for things like SAM registrations and renewals that are completely free. PTAC counselors across the country are constantly warning our clients about these companies, but their constant barrage of deceptive and confusing phone calls, emails, text messages, postcards, … Read more

New Security Update in SAM Means You’d Better Not Forget Your MPIN

Passwords. The bane of our existence. At least for those of us who use smart phones, tablets and computers. Our clients are no different. They forget their passwords with regularity. The good news is that resetting a password is usually fairly simple, and often something someone can do themselves. Due to a security update made … Read more