Montana releases state procurement forecast for first quarter of 2019

First page of procurement forecast

The federal government may be shut down, but state and local governments are still operating and continuing to buy all kinds of goods and services. Here in Montana, the State Procurement Bureau (SPB) just released its quarterly procurement forecast at For general tips on how to use this forecast, please read our earlier post. Some state agencies are slow in getting their forecasts in to the SPB, so if there are only a few agencies represented when you click on this link, you may want to check back in a few days and see if a revised forecast has been posted.

Among the more interesting items in this quarter’s forecast are three planned acquisitions from Fish, Wildlife & Parks for the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) program: Pet store outreach, secret shopper, and education training. Two of those are expected to be limited solicitations, so we probably won’t see public notices for those. If you’re interested in these opportunities and think you’d be qualified, get in touch with your local PTAC counselor, and we’ll give you some tips on how to make sure you have a shot. Hurry, though, as all three of these procurements are expected to take place this month.