Missoula Concrete Construction Wins Spot on the GSA Schedule

Missoula Concrete Construction is a PCI Certified plant, which fabricates precast and prestressed concrete for projects such as commercial buildings, bridges, parking structures, vault concrete outhouses, and EverLogs™ precast concrete log homes. Missoula Concrete first met with PTAC in early October 2016 to resubmit their GSA eOffer. Prior to this they had hired an outside firm to help them submit an offer. This initial offer was rejected for many deficiencies.  After much frustration and no progress towards their goal of being on the GSA Schedule, Adam Bauer, President, reached out to Patty Cox with Missoula PTAC for assistance. Because they were starting with a product that had been created by a third-party Patty and Adam made a fresh start. Prior to their first meeting, Patty provided the most current version of the solicitation and a step-by-step checklist, so Adam could read and learn. The company decided to narrow their bid to one product, a vault toilet. They then met to work on the eOffer for GSA. Over several meetings, they reviewed the existing documentation, and worked through the government’s rejection letter making the necessary corrections. After detailed work on the offer, Adam submitted the revision in April, 2017. Unfortunately, in May of 2017, he received a second letter of rejection, but was not deterred. Through the summer, Patty and Adam continued to meet to work on the details of the pricing proposal, developing the Commercial Sales Practices (CSP) format and adding one more special item number. Throughout the process, the solicitation was amended or refreshed several times; they kept on top of the requirements. Patty encouraged Adam to keep open communication with the contracting officer. Adam was diligent, and was able to keep refining his proposal with help and feedback from the GSA. The pricing proposal was the most challenging, since the government asked for service pricing for a “turnkey solution.”  The company did not provide site excavation so through discussions they were able to tailor the offer to exclude the site excavation. In October of 2017, with fingers crossed, they sent in a modified offer. In February of 2018, GSA sent Missoula Concrete a request for clarification. The award was imminent. Again Patty and Adam teamed up to prepare the response. GSA came back with a few more clarifications which were provided. In May 2018, Missoula Concrete was notified of their successful placement on the GSA Schedule, 20 months after the first meeting with PTAC. It took persistence and patience to complete a reasonable and responsive offer. By taking a team approach, and working through the steps with PTAC’s help, the company’s consistent communication and steady determination made the award possible.


“Patty Cox has been a big help in my company’s efforts to get on the GSA schedule. I would recommend Patty to any company in Missoula who has thoughts of contracting with the government.” Adam Bauer, President of Missoula Concrete Construction.