Attention IT Small Businesses: GSA is developing the Polaris GWAC for businesses like yours!

What is a GWAC? GWAC stands for Governmentwide Acquisition Contract.  GWACs are a method for the federal government to buy cost-effective, innovative solutions for information technology (IT).  These contracting vehicles can be used by any federal agency to purchase IT services. What is Polaris? Polaris is a GWAC that is currently being developed and will … Read more

Bureau of Land Management seeks proposals for off-range pastures for excess wild horses

BLM seeks proposals for off-range pastures for excess wild horses  Solicitation is open to proposals for facilities in 13 Plaines and Western states  As part of its mission to sustainably manage wild horses and burros on public lands, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced today that it is seeking proposals for off-range pastures to provide … Read more

Sources Sought Notice – Department of Interior

The Department of Interior has issued a Sources Sought notice to gather information about capable businesses who may be interested in responding to a future solicitation for a MATOC (multiple award task order contract). This is not an active opportunity yet, the government is simply gathering information, but this is an opportunity for industry to … Read more

Micro-Purchases on a Credit Card– A Business Opportunity?

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), about 70 percent of all federal procurement transactions are for routine, lower value products/services known as micro-purchases. On August 31st, 2020 the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) was officially updated to reflect the new, federal “micro-purchase threshold” of $10,000.  Micro-purchases can be made on a government purchase card (GPC) … Read more