On Tuesday, February 9, the U.S. General Services Administration’s Integrated Award Environment hosted an online Stakeholder Forum webinar. With almost 1,100 participants, the program focused on an introduction to the new design of beta.SAM.gov, which will launch on April 26, 2021.
A copy of the slide deck presentation is available for download here. A full recording of the program is available here.
At that time, users will notice beta.SAM.gov’s home page, help pages, and search all have a new design built to incorporate feedback we have heard from our users. April’s new design adheres to the most recent U.S. Web Design System and GSA standards for digital experiences. Those standards help agencies to streamline content and are secure, responsive, accessible, and consistent.
The program began with an introduction and overview of the modernization project to-date. Next, participants were given a presentation about the differences between the current beta.SAM.gov design and the new design. And to wrap up, participants received a brief preview of some of the changes coming in the future when SAM.gov and beta.SAM.gov are merged into one, which will occur on May 24, 2021. There will be much more detail about that in the near future.
Please stay tuned to the IAE space here on Interact for more information about all of the IAE systems, including the future migration of SAM.gov into beta.SAM.gov, as well as for details about future events.