Hamilton PTAC Helps Local Vet – Veterinarian That Is …

Vet with horse and corral (3)

You probably know that Montana PTAC helps military veterans. But did you know that PTACs help other “vets” as well? Veterinary clinics are among the diverse array of businesses served by Montana PTAC. Many federal agencies, including the Forest Service, contract with local veterinarians to provide medical care for their animals. Such is the case … Read more

“Sorry…You Have the Wrong Number”

Barge Dalen Diesel

We’ve all heard that phrase before when we’ve misdialed a telephone number. In those instances, you simply hang up and dial again. But sometimes correcting a wrong number is not quite that simple. Take, for example, the Employer Identification Number (EIN), a tax identification number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Inadvertently entering the … Read more